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Empowering clients with real-time financial insights: A comprehensive dashboard with synchronized account information.


A financial tool for clients to track goals with real-time sync and integration with AdviserGo for easy status updates.

I led the design iteration from inception to launch, conducting research during the discovery phase and collaborating closely with developers and stakeholders to ensure all features and constraints were incorporated.


Clients faced difficulties in obtaining real-time account overviews and keeping them up-to-date, and an over-reliance on advisers. Advisers faced challenges in providing an intuitive interface for clients and frequent plan updates.


A dashboard that displays financial overviews, balances, and accounts, with real-time progress bars to track goals. Integrating with APIs, like Morningstar, ensures automatic updates and reduces the need for frequent reporting by advisers.

First MVP was used to demo to enterprises and later adopted by major enterprise banks for commercial uses, the app has since evolved into another app call wellness
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Designing the financial dashboard came with a range of challenges including:

  1. Difficulty in determining important information and hierarchy of information
  2. Alignment issues with account names that are too long
  3. Re-projections design considerations such as color-coding and white space allocation
Designing the dashboard posed challenges in determining important information and its hierarchy. Hovering of plan start date was limited to desktop screens, but we determined it was less vital for most users who access it through desktop web pages.

To improve this product in the future, I would:

  1. Conduct more user research to better understand their needs and preferences.
  2. Incorporate user testing at the early stage of iterations to obtain feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  3. Explore additional features that users may find helpful and incorporate them into the product design.
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About me

I'm passionate about merging user-friendly design with frontend development for seamless user experiences.

With a diverse background in advertising, graphic design, print design, and social media, I bring a creative and multidisciplinary approach to every project.
In my free time, I enjoy traveling, playing ukulele, bouldering and hiking with my dog, Blu.